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    Publish with us

    We regard our authors as well as our readers as our customers. All publications are well planned in detail by the publisher and editors with regard to subject, outline, objectives, readership and readers’ benefits as well as the presentation and didactic concept, format and market expectations. The issuers are well selected and almost exclusively leading experts in their fields. The same applies to most contributors. 

    The publication process follows standardized workflows, mainly managed by the publisher’s project management team. The project management comprises an extensive authors’ support including contributors’ briefing, deadline monitoring, quality assurance and multiple correction runs. The publisher’s project managers work together with the editors as well as with the contributors and ensure quality, completeness and reasonableness. All manuscripts are reviewed twice by the editors (after submission and after the copy editing process has been completed). For several publishing projects additional external reviewers are appointed to support the editors in reviewing the manuscripts. Additionally, every manuscript passes a plagiarism test.